An Apple a Day Doesn’t Stop the Bills


Gotta rant.

YoungerDaughter came home yesterday after school, bringing the mail into the house with her.

Doctor bill?

What the heck for?

Last time any of us was at the doctor’s office was YoungerDaughter and I stopped in to have a form signed by a physician for her trip to Spain, explaining how she treats her own migraines, and doesn’t require physician intervention.

Just getting a form signed…

When we finished the appointment, I went out to the main desk to ask how much the bill would be, and did they need me to put something on down on it, since we don’t have regular insurance, but a “secondary” policy… that wouldn’t cover this type of visit anyway?

“No, we’ll just bill you” was the response I got… odd, since usually they require a $50 co-pay on office visits at the time you go in… But… ok *shrug*

That was in November.  We didn’t hear anything in December, so I thought maybe the doc’s office had simply decided to write off the visit as non-billed, since all we wanted was a signature, anyway.  Stupid.

Got the bill yesterday.  A month and a half after service.

$95.00 for an autograph seems like a bit much, don’tcha think?
